
Lindsay Browning in goal on hockey rink

Lindsay Browning, B.S. '21, M.Eng. '22

"The most useful skill I have learned from BME is how to think. Anyone can memorize math equations or learn a specific technological skill, but BME has taught me how to apply those skills." Read more

Benjamin Dickstein

Ben Dickstein, B.S. '20

"Engineering is all about looking at challenges from a different perspective and working together to find creative and innovative solutions. I, like many others, did not come into Cornell with any lab skills or extensive biological experience, but BME provides students with all the resources students need to succeed in this field." Read more

Grant Feuer

Grant Feuer, B.S. '20

"I found the MCSE concentration to be most relevant to my goal of attending medical school because of the focus on cells and tissues and how things go wrong and what can be done to fix it." Read more

Ellaine Chou

Ellaine Chou, B.S. '20

"[As part of a six-month co-op at Johnson & Johnson], I was not only able to communicate my passion for healthcare technology, but also to identify needs and explore engineering solutions." Read more

Sami Smalling

Sami Smalling, B.S. '20

"BME offered more exposure to other areas of academic interest than other fields of engineering, which appealed to me. I chose to pursue the Molecular/Cellular/Systems Engineering (MCSE) concentration because it seemed like the most applicable concentration—my interests have always surrounded small-scale interactions in the body." Read more

jonathan perrier

Jonathan Perrier, M.Eng. Student

"I was always passionate about creating the future of medicine and health. To me BME is a methodological and practical method for designing innovative tech. I saw BME as a way to convert biology and chemistry theories into real-world solutions." Read more

Vanessa Cabral Martins

Vanessa Cabral Martins, M.Eng. Student

"What I like the most is the opportunity to work on our design project as if we were working in industry . . . to experience how it is going to be when we start working, both technically and collaboratively. Moreover, it has helped me develop my skills and I feel ready and comfortable to enter the workforce." Read more

Jeremy Keys

Jeremy Keys, Ph.D. Student

"My research looks at the biological and physical factors which regulate the spread of cancer throughout the body. Specifically, I am interested in how cancer cells generate forces to help squeeze their nucleus through tight spaces in biological tissues." Read more

Sochima Bishop

Sochima Bishop, M.Eng. Student

"I really appreciate the breadth of research in the BME department. Last semester I took three great classes: Principles of Drug Delivery (w/ Dr. Putnam), Stem Cell Engineering (w/ Dr. Cosgrove), and Immuno-engineering (w/ Dr. Singh)." Read more

Jason Marvin

Jason (Chang) Marvin, Ph.D. Student

"Cornell actively fosters an environment that encourages its graduate students to extend their training beyond the research lab (e.g. outreach, teaching, mentoring, and science communication & policy opportunities) which I knew would allow me to grow tremendously as a scholar and future educator." Read more